Class Blog for ENG 1131:1363

Writing Through Media
University of Florida
Fall 2010
Instructor: Lauren Glenn
Blog Assignments will be posted weekly.
Student responses will be posted (almost) every Friday.
See Blog links to the right for individual student blogs.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blog Assignment #8: Irony/Photoshopping

We have discussed two different, but related, topics this week: images as irony and the ethics of digital manipulation. For your blog assignment this week, you can choose ONE of the two following prompts:

(1) Answer this question: If you were to analyze your own photo albums (or your parents'), which ironies could you locate (either in the way you collect them, the method you display them, or within the collection itself)? Written portion of this post MUST BE 500 words minimum.

(2) Choose one photograph of yourself and alter it digitally. Post the before and after images to your blog, then discuss how you altered it and why you altered certain aspects of the image. It might be useful to think about the discourses (media, family, school) that have informed you about how an image should look. Written portion of this post MUST BE 200 words minimum.

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