Class Blog for ENG 1131:1363

Writing Through Media
University of Florida
Fall 2010
Instructor: Lauren Glenn
Blog Assignments will be posted weekly.
Student responses will be posted (almost) every Friday.
See Blog links to the right for individual student blogs.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blog #10: Reflecting on Media Discourses

For this (last) blog assignment, you will submit to me a draft of your topic page, "Entertainment." At this point, your draft only needs to contain text...we will work on the design and visuals later. Click on this link for the actual writing prompt.

Remember the goal, at this stage, is to move from reflection (an example of a media type that has influenced some aspect of your identity formation -- the more specific the better) to analysis (which ideologies were projected through this example?). Make a connection to something we have discussed in class to support one of your claims.

Submission: instead of posting this entry to your blog, insert the text to your topic page on your final project website. Copy the url and send me a link via email by 5:00 pm Friday, 11/19/10.

Requirements: 500 words minimum, 2 outside sources (discussed and cited), one connection to materials from this course.

Just for fun...

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