Class Blog for ENG 1131:1363
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Blog #10: Reflecting on Media Discourses
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
In-Class Blog: Picturing "The Other"
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Blog Assignment #8: Irony/Photoshopping
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Blog Assignment #7: Metaphors in Media/Creating Reality
(1) Discuss the usage of an Analogy or Metaphor in a film or song that we have NOT discussed in class.
- Music = Please post the lyrics and a link to the song
- Film = Please post either still images from the film or a link to a clip from the film

(2) If you were to incorporate Forrest Gump's fictional character into an historical event from the 21st century, which event would you choose and why? Would you alter the event in order to incorporate Forrest into it and how? What would Forrest's reaction to the event be?
- Images = Please post a minimum of 3 still images or 1 video link
Minimum Requirements: 300 words; images, audio, or video (see above); fully develop and support all claims made; due by 5:00 pm Friday 10/29/10.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Blog Assignment #6: Iconic Images as Tropes

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Blog Assignment #5: Representing Others

You should write one academic-style paragraph in which you make a claim about the topic we have been covering this week (representing "The Other") and use Sontag's book and Eastwood's film to expand your claim.

Remember: Make connections between the two texts and make sure your claim is broad enough to encompass everything you discuss in your paragraph. Also, give enough background about the quote you use and the scene/image you chose to discuss so that your reader understands what you are talking about.
Requirements: 300 words minimum. Use one direct quote from Sontag's book and discuss either a scene from the film or the film in general terms. Due Friday October 1 by 5:00 pm.