Step 1: Find (and post) an image of your choice.
Step 2: Chapter One in Picturing Texts offers some terminology for how to talk about the composition of images. Using these terms, write a paragraph below the image in which you analyze the image you have posted to your blog site. What is conventional or unconventional about this image and its composition?
Step 3: Roland Barthes believes that an artist’s form is vulnerable to becoming a convention once it has been released to the public. He claims that creativity is an on-going process of continual change and reaction. Thinking about the conventional/unconventional aspects of your image, in what way(s) could you add text to the image that would change/build upon/modify the conventional composition? Post the image below your paragraph from Step 2, this time adding either a caption, advertisement box, or text superimposed (or some combination) on the actual image to change it in some way.
Step 4: Write a second paragraph discussing the way(s) your addition could change the perception of the original image. For this section, you must reference someone we have discussed in class. You should identify an argument and either agree or disagree with it, supporting your own claim. Since this is a blog, you are not (for this assignment) required to site the source according to academic regulations (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.). But, you MUST identify who made the argument you are discussing. If you know the text (e.g., Barthes’ Mythologies), please put that information in parentheses.
Requirements: 300 words minimum; two images à one without text/caption, the other with your own text/caption added to it. Due: Sept. 5 by 8:00 pm.
EXAMPLE of an altered image:

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