Class Blog for ENG 1131:1363

Writing Through Media
University of Florida
Fall 2010
Instructor: Lauren Glenn
Blog Assignments will be posted weekly.
Student responses will be posted (almost) every Friday.
See Blog links to the right for individual student blogs.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blog Assignment #1

Writing Digitally: getting set-up

Today, you will set up a blog that will be used specifically for the content of ENG 1131, Writing Through Media. For our purposes, you will create a free Blogger account and design its appearance according to your own, unique tastes. After you have set up the appearance of your blog, you will create your first entry.

Step One: Write an introduction to your blog, detailing the purpose of this site (which class you are in, how many assignments will be posted,the objectives of the course -- paraphrase please --, etc.).

Step Two: After you have introduced the purpose of your blog, give your readers some information about you. You can be as formal or as informal here as you like. You should discuss some of your specific interests that will correspond with one or two of the topics we will be covering in class (e.g., digital media, films, writing, photography, etc. --> see your syllabus schedule for details)

Step Three: Find an image online (or one you have created in the past), embed it within this first post, and explain its relation to the written content of this post (i.e., your interests, what this course is about, or something specific you have written about in the first entry).

Requirements: 300 words minimum with one image embedded (and explained). Assignment must be posted by 5:00 pm on August 27, 2010. Once your 1st entry has been published online, email me the link to your new blog.

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